Howth Toilets
I am delighted that Fingal County Council are to replace the existing public toilets at both Howth East Pier and at Malahide Beach.
The Malahide site is located on the Coast Road near the Malahide Beach Public Car Park,
and the Howth site is located at the East Pier of the Harbour, adjacent to the existing public car park facility.
Each new facility is to incorporate much needed modern sustainable universal accessible facilities and a changing places unit for each location.
The Council has now put on public display the proposed new toilets to replace the existing dated facilities at each location. It was important to me that this project be finalised before this Council finishes it current term next May.
I have worked closely with the operations department on this project and look forward to work commencing soon. A big thank you to all in Fingal who worked so hard to make this happen.

Green Party Motion could have delayed Baldoyle Community Centre
This motion was defeated at the area meeting with five members voting against and only Cllr Healy and Cllr Hopkins supporting the motion.
In a second attempt to secure the removal of these spaces Cllr Healy again brought a motion to the full Council meeting where it went to a vote of the full Council. This motion sought the removal of 26 of the 28 spaces. This motion was supported by all the Green party Councillors with the rest
Baldoyle Community Centre could have faced years of further delay over a Green Party motion at the March Council meeting to remove 26 of the 28 car parking spaces at the proposed facility centre.
As expected the Executive brought the Part X1 required for the new Baldoyle Community & Sports Centre to the March Howth Malahide area committee meeting. It was expected that this would have gone to the full Council meeting the following week with the unanimous support of all seven Howth Malahide Councillors.

The Green Party expressed concerns that there were 28 car parking spaces in the proposed centre and Cllr David Healy proposed a motion to have 26 of these removed. The motion asked “That this Area Committee recommends that the proposal be varied by removing the additional 28 car parking spaces proposed given the parking provision of 161 spaces plus overflow parking area in the Racecourse Park permission was deemed sufficient to provide for the future community centre.”
of the members including Cllr Hopkins thankfully voting against the motion.
The removal of twenty eight spaces (all of the actual spaces in the plan) would have represented a significant change and had this passed the whole project would have to again go through the public consultation process, something that could have greatly delayed the Community Centre.
Thankfully common sense prevailed and the good news is that the project is now being prepared to go for tender.
450 Affordable homes in Fingal in coming months – Only 2 in Howth Malahide
Below is a map of Fingal and where the 450 affordable homes to be sold and assisted by Fingal County Council in 2024 are located. I congratulate Fingal Executive for this huge result. This will ensure that in the coming months 450 individuals or couples with families will have their opportunity to acquire their own home.

The shortage of homes in our electoral area is highlighted by the graphic, produced by Fingal Housing Department. It shows that between Howth, Sutton, Baldoyle, Bayside, Portmarnock, Kinsealy and Malahide there are just 2 affordable homes being offered and these are located in Belcamp. While it is very encouraging to see so many affordable homes coming to the market in 2024 it clearly shows more affordable homes are needed in our local electoral area.